After a series of successful family movies, including the recent launch of "Around the World in 80 Days - Journey of Wonders", we are expanding our catalog with a new horror movie for licensing, ready to give a breathtaking experience to all your guests.
With Van Helsing - Rise from the Dark during the IAAPA Asia Expo we showed you once again how much content is king. Then, inaugurating our collaboration with the queen of content, Lorien McKenna, the Emmy-nominated screenwriter who has worked on Oscar-winning films like Disney Pixar's "Ratatouille," "Up," "Brave," and "Inside Out", we went to consolidate what you already know: relying on Red Raion means choosing an unforgettable experience for your guests.
Watch now the video recap of how the IAAPA Asia Expo went and schedule a meeting with us to find out in which way Red Raion can help you in making your media based experience unforgettable.