
2125 - An Adventurous Journey Through Time and Space

OVERVIEW arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_up

2125 - An Adventurous Journey Through Time And Space is the newest attraction that the AIDAcosma cruise ship by AIDA cruises is offering to its passengers.

Designed by Leisure Expert Group and with custom CGI content created by Red Raion, the attraction consists of a “time travel experience” that will take place during dinner on the ship: a 90-minute experience that, thanks to the 31 screens in the roof and sides of the cruise ship's dining room that act like windows on the outside world, combined with live actors in the room, takes the passengers of the ship into an incredible journey... through space and time!

DETAILS arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_up
CLIENT: AIDA Cruises, Leisure Expert Group
CATEGORY: CGI Dining Experience
GENRE: Time Travel
SUBGENRE: Historical
LENGTH: 90':00''
LANGUAGES: Only Sound Effects
RESOLUTION: 3840x2160, 3840x4320, and 3840x3240

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