Richard Needham from SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment: changing the flying theatre industry with CGI content

When you get in contact with a company you’ve already collaborated with for a few years to produce their new, custom CGI content whose aim is to change the flying theater industry, you immediately understand that it’s an important task you’re going to work on.

During the last IAAPA Expo in Orlando, we talked about our collaboration with SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment for the production of the company’s newest flying theater experience, the latest chapter of their successful dinosaur-themed franchise, Dino Island III - Frostbite, for which we created the CGI content.



SimEx-Iwerks’ Dino Island attractions have been among the most popular dinosaur-themed ride experiences of all time. Since the mid-'90s, audiences all over the world have been thrilled and captivated by the universal and endless appeal of Dino Island’s dinosaurs, so it’s been highly satisfying to find the right kind of connection with the people at SimEx-Iwerks to be able to create the perfect kind of content they had in mind for their experience.

We had the pleasure of talking with Richard Needham, creative director of SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment and producer and director of Frostbite - Dino Island III, and here’s what he had to say about our collaboration.

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